Holger Wache is professor for information integration, enterprise application integration, and information and knowledge management --- especially semantic technologies and ontology engineering --- in the School of Economics, Institute for Business Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences North Western Switzerland (FHNW), Switzerland.
He studied computer science and electric engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern. After receiving his Diplom (Master) in 1991, he worked at the University of Dortmund (computer science department) in the project WINA for one year. The topic of WINA was to extract Fuzzy-Rules from a learned neuronal network.
In 1992 he returned to the research department for Intelligent Engineering Systems at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) Kaiserslautern. He continued his research in the TOOCON and in the VEGA project. TOOCON investigated how all the knowledge representations can be combined for the purpose of configuring technical devices. VEGA tries to combine several different machine learning technologies.
In year 1996 he changed to the University of Bremen (computer science). There he worked in several projects like MOKASSIN, AIKUL and KNOWWORK. All of them was tackling integrating IT systems with the help of knowledge-based techniques. After he received his phd he was the managing director of the intelligent systems department at the Center of Computing Technologies (TZI). Before he joined the department in Amsterdam, he was the consultant of TZI on behalf of a big German company with a branch in Bremen, Germany.
From 2004 to 2007 Holger Wache held a postdoc position in the artificial intelligence department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His research was focussed on the semantic web where semantic technologies like ontologies can be applied to the internet
(Click here for a list of publications.)
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